The Water and Sewerage Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (WASA) is the sole water and sewerage provider in Trinidad and Tobago. It was formed in 1965 by an act of Parliament to manage the areas of: Hollis, Arena and the Navet dams in Trinidad. While in Tobago, WASA also maintains the Hillsborough Reservoir along with various other freshwater wells in the aid of providing municipal drinking water for needs of the country. The purview of the authority also extends to the country's sewage treatment plants.
The Water and Sewerage Authority was formed by Act 16 of 1965 and enacted on September 1,1965. This Act brought together several agencies which were formerly charged with the responsibility of providing water and sewerage facilities to the nation :
The Authority is the largest public utility in the country. It serves over ninety percent (90%) of the population with pipeborne water through private house connections and standpipes. Since its establishment in 1965, water production has increased from 223,000 cubic metres to 650,000 cubic metres in 1990. With respect to wastewater 30% - 40% of the population are served by a central sewerage collection and treatment system. Another 40% of the population are served by cesspit-tank soil-absorption field systems. Those remaining are served by pit latrines (outhouses).